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Local Creative Jams

Overview : events to engage - forecast an overall process, more than an innovative product

The Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs project started as a premise: fostering the development of innovative start-ups among young people through (accelerated) learning of new technologies and development methods. But questions from youth professionals, and subsequently from young people themselves, call into question this approach which consists only of catalyzing and accelerating “innovation”. With the first projects and discussions, the whole philosophy of AYCH is evolving, and us with it. The Creative jams now tends to seek to “engage” young people, to find new dialogues and educational methods, rather than finding the right technology and the right method to develop. It has taught us to think in a new “sustainable” way rather than frantically searching for the technological miracle. These events allowed to develop and test a series of innovation methods and tools adapted to the AYCH objectives.

Designing AYCH tools : L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique conceiving tools for Creative Jams

Events where we tested design thinking tools conceived at L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique by young students for young participants. An example of the challenge in Nantes to create tools & test methodologies :

Nom de la Creative Jam in la Ville - Month YEAR. <br /> Partner 1 + Partner 2 + Partner 3. Description CJ, problématisation et enjeux. Deux lignes maxi. Lien vers version EN / FR.

Innovation Challenge in Nantes - April 2018. L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique. Tools & project for & by designers. EN / FR

Three hours for tools & methodology dissemination in Brest - May 2018. Brest Métropole + L'École de design Nantes Atlantique. a short presentation of the tools EN/ FR

Playing with utopia in Angoulême - Month 2018. Grand Angoulême + L'École de design A creativity cartoon session EN / FR

Creative Jam in Plymouth - October 2018. Space* + L'École de design. When youth from Plymouth meet designers from Nantes. Developing ideas… EN / FR

Creative Jam in Tiverton - February 2019 Space* + L'Ecole de design (2): enhancing and simplified tools for young people - english / french Tate Exchange, London - March 2019: Plymouth College of art, L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique introduction to speculative design tools english / french La ville du quart d'heure, from creativity to sustainability, Nantes - April 2019 L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique, Centre Michel Serres, Chaire Entreprises, territoires et innovations english / french Creative tools workshop - L'Ecole de design City design Lab (September 2019) creation of stranger jobs english Reinvent the city Creative jam (3) - Space*, L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique (October 2019) working and adapting tools for / with young people english / french Prospective & design : creative jam - L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique, Centre Michel Serres (April 2020) First online creative jam, development of online bright mirror english / french ===== Focus on creative jam tools, atmosphere ===== * Plymouth, 3 days workshop (July 2018) - EN / FR * AYCH OCEAN, video, redefining prototype & residencies, presentation also done in Vigo download here.Here short outputs about design French * BREST : how to have a team of mentors : see there the mentors guide further developed in International Creative jam in Gijon.