Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Here are the design tools that partners AND young people have created during the AYCH project.

All those tools are part of AYCH Futures, a branch of speculative design tools created to help young participants imagining alternative futures in particular fields.

AYCH Futures tools

AYCH Quest : a tool to visualize routes for young people wishing to invest in the AYCH project → EN / FR

Creating tools is an iterative process and needs several versions :

v1 - The Start of the F… World : imagine a future of cities → FR /

v2 - Bright Mirror : → EN /

v3 - Bright Future : (online version of Bright Mirror) → FR /

Stranger Job : a creativity game about the evolution of jobs in the future → EN /

Online Stranger Job : → FR /

Design Thinking tools

If you want to have a look at more “classical” design tools, we invite you to check this page : EN / FR