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City design Lab Tools workshop

Organised by the City design Lab over a week, the tools workshop gathered different groups of students to conceive, produce, test and improve two specific AYCH tools to be used at AYCH events with young participants.

The tool creation process was research-driven and iterative. Through the creation process, the students gained a good understanding of the AYCH programme, the participants and the particularities of the events were the tools would be used. An important empathy work was the basis for conceiving or improving the tools. Constant communication with the AYCH partners allowed the students to get critical feedback as they tested the different versions of the tools.

As two groups of students worked on the creation of their respective tool, a third group of students observed the creative process and facilitated, at the end of the week, a feedback session for which they put in place a management communication tool. Thanks to the observation process and the final feedback session, the tool creators had the opportunity to analyse their creative process and have a critical stand on the challenges and opportunities of it.

Stranger Jobs

Stranger Jobs is a speculative design tool created by

A journey to your project

A journey to your project is a creative tool conceived to be used in the Exmouth Creative Jam that took place in October 2019. The tool aims at helping a group of young participants to identify and quickly develop an idea that they will prototype later on. The tool takes the shape of a simple folding paper sheet that proposes different steps to go through collectively. The tool provides with a frame to follow a design thinking approach to help the participants to prototype more efficiently and easily.

The design team feels they have not been effective enough due to a lack of information from the sponsor. This lack created problems in producing the tools needed to prepare the workshop.

The expectations (needs) of the sponsor could not be sourced only by flange, which cut through the phases of reflection and production. Also some of the work done was off-topic.

This results in frustration and the feeling of not having responded to the objectives of the Workshop.