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4. Prototyping

What is a prototype?

A prototype is a draft version of a product, service or space. It allows you to explore your ideas and show the intention behind a feature of your concept or the overall concept. A prototype can be quick and rough (low fidelity) or detailed in their shape and functions (high fidelity). A prototype can be anything from a drawing to a highly functional model of your concept.

Why prototyping ?

Prototyping at different stages of your creative process will allow you to:

Explore problems, ideas, and opportunities within a specific area of focus and test out the impact of small or radical changes in your concept.

Better understand what makes your concept work or fail.

Engage with end users or stakeholders in order to test your concept in ways that reveal deeper insight and more valuable experiences.

Explain new ideas, motivate or inspire your stakeholders and investors towards new ways of thinking and doing. (Dam & Siang, 2019)

What to keep in mind when prototyping

The tools


Prototypes : adding elements on existing object to figure out the idea, drawing elements on the map, making a scenario or a short video… every way can be good to engage users & test your ideas. Also theater to play your role (see Brest - former des ambassadeurs de la méthode

And also don't forget the impact of models in a presentation!

More about prototypes

How to communicate with your users and other stakeholders with the help of your prototype?