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The European Project Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs (AYCH) – Extension and Capitalisation, financed by Call 3 of Interreg Atlantic Area, to be developed until July 2023, aims to capitalize and disseminate the successful methodologies developed in the previous AYCH (Call 2, implemented from October 2017 to May 2021), but also to implement new pilots in the area of Entrepreneurship and Youth Employability, throughout the Atlantic Area in the Cultural and Creative Sector. The Youth Innovation Missions and Local Creative Jam are Pilot Activities of the AYCH Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs Project, Extension and Capitalization (Call 3), which intends to develop and implement a new model of work with Young People regarding the generation of solutions for complex socio-economic and ecological challenges that communities in the Atlantic area, in general During these events, the AYCH partnerships brought together young people, partners, specialists, mentors, stakeholders and jury mobilizing and involving participants from Portugal, France, Spain, United Kingdom and Ireland for an intense creative process around of a topic considered strategic for the Atlantic Area linked to the “Sustainable Development Goals”. We want to share this experience and its successful methodologies, so invite you to enjoy this Magazine, so that you can become aware of our AYCH vision and educational values, and how Youth Missions and Local Creative Jams can be implemented in practice, enabling young people to explore and develop new ideas in new creative processes of co-creation and co-experimentation. Santo Tirso Municipality, as a Lead Partner, is very proud to talk about the European AYCH partnership, and about their developed international networking, which through a network of hubs encourage the sharing of knowledge, experiences and resources and stimulate the development of youth creativity.