Title of the tool
It answers the questions: What is this tool? What is it good for? What will I get out of it?
When is it useful?
It indicates the business development phase(s) for which the tool is particularly useful
It answers the question: who could or should participate in the process? How many participants?
Time & Materials
Preparation time :
Development time :
Materials needed :
Step by Step
It outlines the sequence of events that should take place for the tool to be successfully implemented. We suggest the outline to be made in the form of steps.
STEP 01:
STEP 02:
STEP 03:
STEP 04:
Important things to keep in mind when using the tool
Video tutorial
Examples of outcomes
It shows different forms of outcomes for the tool.
Related tools
It provides the link to other related tools in the ToolBox
It lists the different text, video, audio, visual academic and non academic sources for this particular description
Example : Lallemand, C. & Gronier, G. (2016). Méthodes de design UX. Eyrolles