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Design cabinet toolkits - capitalising tools

A lot of things have already been written on toolkits. Here are some inspiring projects explaining the background of AYCH toolkits. There is also a presentation of the methodologies used.

They take the form of a website with resources in .pdf (user manual and sheets and contents to print). This can be a source of inspiration. Or, on the contrary, a path not to follow, concerning the final form of the project.

Some examples :

Thoughts: how we design the wiki

A website with .pdf resources implies that the user (s) is sufficiently autonomous. Users can be people who want to learn or develop a project, or people who want to use the methods and tools of D.thinking (or other) in a broader context (project management, teaching, etc.). We are not convinced that this is suitable for many people: person-to-person transmission is essential in this type of initiative. Example to support our words: the “fall” of Mooc for lack of human commitment; Simply: can you imagine a fablab without fabmanager? without a facilitator and with only the machines and documents to use them? The role of a trainer is paramount. This wiki should be augmented with case studies, and training should be given by specialists. We can deliver the wiki & support the hubs to train them on tools.

School doing school

Principle of an institution of higher education which communicates in a totally open way on its methods, its practices and its tools and which aim at their dissemination. here is an example :   * The [https://dschool.stanford.edu/ | d.school]] of Stanford University is open to his students (the “ class”) but also to a wider audience (the “ programs”). The set of “ resources” (tools, how-to, workshop guideline) is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial. There are even two musical playlists! As well as a online course.