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en:gijonapril2019 [2019/05/06 11:59]
en:gijonapril2019 [2019/07/01 17:27] (Version actuelle)
hilda [FOCUS on a tool: Idea Wall as a binder of creative jam]
Ligne 8: Ligne 8:
 Two guiding documents were produced with the experience of the Brest hub and the support of Plymouth: {{ :​en:​aych_mentor_kit_gijon _-_ eng.pdf | the mentor'​s notebook}} and a welcome kit for young people {{ :​fr:​welcome_kit_jam_gijon_2019.pdf| Welcome kit Gijon}} Two guiding documents were produced with the experience of the Brest hub and the support of Plymouth: {{ :​en:​aych_mentor_kit_gijon _-_ eng.pdf | the mentor'​s notebook}} and a welcome kit for young people {{ :​fr:​welcome_kit_jam_gijon_2019.pdf| Welcome kit Gijon}}
-For this second creative jam, were present: ​nationalities,​ 72 students, 30 mentors and accompanying,​ from 16 to 30 years.+For this second creative jam, were present: ​nationalities,​ 72 students, 30 mentors and accompanying,​ from 16 to 30 years.
Ligne 35: Ligne 35:
   * Hackathon (1 day for "​hacker"​ elements of the city) and reuse the elements of the workshops (techniques,​ etc.)   * Hackathon (1 day for "​hacker"​ elements of the city) and reuse the elements of the workshops (techniques,​ etc.)
 +Video of the 3 days here : https://​youtu.be/​scrqHzv9m7g
 ==== FOCUS on a tool: Idea Wall as a binder of creative jam ==== ==== FOCUS on a tool: Idea Wall as a binder of creative jam ====
-IDEA WALL has served as a common thread throughout these days of creativity. This tool had already worked well in Lugo and Tate Modern as starter of a creative emulsion and icebreaker. ​He has done his work again, but some improvements could be made.+IDEA WALL has served as a common thread throughout these days of creativity. This tool had already worked well in Lugo and Tate Modern as starter of a creative emulsion and icebreaker. ​It has done his work again, but some improvements could be made.
 {{:​fr:​20190404_133305.jpg?​200|}} {{:​fr:​20190404_123755.jpg?​200|}} {{:​fr:​20190404_123750.jpg?​200|}} {{:​fr:​20190404_133305.jpg?​200|}} {{:​fr:​20190404_123755.jpg?​200|}} {{:​fr:​20190404_123750.jpg?​200|}}
 +For more information on the tool [[en:​ideawall|Idea Wall]]
 +Video on IDEA WALL : https://​vimeo.com/​335159410
Ligne 132: Ligne 137:
 ==== Gameplay ==== ==== Gameplay ====
-  * The game is played in teams of 6 willingly mixed (but in two nationalities only) to ensure a transnational component. +  ​* The game is played in teams of 6 willingly mixed (but in two nationalities only) to ensure a transnational component. 
-  * See slideshow and rules of the game {{: en: aychgijonhackathonprez.pdf | here}} +  * See slideshow and rules of the game {{:fr:​aychgijonhackathonprez.pdf | here}} 
-  * To facilitate the progress: instructions given on screens punctuate a limited time+  * To facilitate the progress: instructions given on screens punctuate a limited time
 {{:​fr:​20190402_151454.jpg?​ 400|}} {{:​fr:​20190402_151454.jpg?​ 400|}}
Ligne 142: Ligne 147:
 === very enthusiastic feedback === === very enthusiastic feedback ===
-  * [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=qsSODQgt0Do|Link to the review video]]: very enthusiastic feedback +  ​* [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=qsSODQgt0Do|Link to the review video]]: very enthusiastic feedback 
-  * Easy to conduct a workshop for 70 or more young people (very didactic). +  * Easy to conduct a workshop for 70 or more young people (very didactic). 
-  * Many interests of participants to reproduce the game in the hubs+  * Many interests of participants to reproduce the game in the hubs
 === an icebreaker === === an icebreaker ===
-  * Realization of all the stages in the allotted time: can it be done in one day? +  ​* Realization of all the stages in the allotted time: can it be done in one day? 
-  * Some interesting thoughts on technology (newspaper photos) +  * Some interesting thoughts on technology (newspaper photos) 
-  * Cohesion of the teams +  * Cohesion of the teams 
-  * Launches reflection on the issues of technology and the city, the red thread of 3 days. On the other hand little connection between the hackathon day and bright mirror which was more used like an icebreaker. +  * Launches reflection on the issues of technology and the city, the red thread of 3 days. On the other hand little connection between the hackathon day and bright mirror which was more used like an icebreaker. 
-  * Very important: the final sharing moment +  * Very important: the final sharing moment 
-  * Choice of teams: random but 2 nationalities+  * Choice of teams: random but 2 nationalities
 {{:​fr:​20190403_154831.jpg?​ 400|}} {{:​fr:​20190403_154831.jpg?​ 400|}}
Ligne 163: Ligne 168:
   * All files can be downloaded {{ :​fr:​brightmirrorfiles_2.zip |here, zip format}}   * All files can be downloaded {{ :​fr:​brightmirrorfiles_2.zip |here, zip format}}
-==== Additions ​to imagine ​====+==== Additions ​for next games ====
   * Possibility of a constraint (or choice) optimistic / pessimistic (Black, Bright)   * Possibility of a constraint (or choice) optimistic / pessimistic (Black, Bright)
Ligne 170: Ligne 175:
   * One could imagine with a break the noon a longer time with a moment of sharing then longer creation of the newspaper   * One could imagine with a break the noon a longer time with a moment of sharing then longer creation of the newspaper
   * Name change ? the name is already used.   * Name change ? the name is already used.
 +===== The workshops =====
 +This report is not exhaustive, we could not observe a workshop, the School of Design was mobilized on the preparation of the Hackathon day and the animation of a workshop.
 +==== Background ====
 +Each partner is asked to deliver a workshop lasting two hours : 
 +  * Technical workshops
 +  * Workshops
 +  * Workshops around design thinking
 +List {{:​fr:​workshops.pdf| here}}
 +==== First assessment (seen with Gijon, Islam) ====
 +  * Too short to apprehend a technology in two hours. Good but short.
 +  * Limit probably the workshops to technical aspects, the question of design thinking having been seen before. It seems useless to reiterate them (too much creativity sessions during hackathon day & Bright Mirror
 +===== Hackathon day =====
 +==== Background ====
 +Everyone went back to work collaboratively for a day of creativity from 9.00 to 15.00, then 3 hours of juries, presentations.
 +==== Highlights ====
 +  * On the collaborative nature of the project, [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=Tq5RDtWwEts / watch the video here.]]
 +  * See the different steps of the project: {{ :​fr:​aychgijonhackprez.pdf | here}}
 +  * See tools: {{ :​fr:​hacktools.zip | here, zip format}}: they have been simplified.
 +{{ :​en:​capture_d_e_cran_2019-05-06_a_14.38.27.png?​200 |}}
 +==== Organization and accompaniment ====
 +  * Decision to remix the teams, with the risk of having too many ideas: we were afraid of having too many ideas or even conflicts, which did not happen.
 +  * Groups of 4 to better manage the discussions,​ with a mentor to better articulate.
 +  * Decision to have 1 mentor assigned to each group with mentors'​ brief and mentors'​ council (good practice of the Brest hub) and mentors'​ booklet. Directed by Pierre Yves Jaouen.
 +  * Decision to have a team flying design experts (Students of the School): on the aspects innovation, graphics
 +  * Other experts: 3D printing, virtual reality, sound design)
 +  * Decision to have precise briefs on Pitch (Pacific stream) and communication / scenario (Vida Lactea)
 +  * Using slack to give instructions,​ download presentations without USB key: need to have a person at least dedicated. Required 2 partners for the connections (1 student design school + 1 person from Atlantic cities
 +  * Distribution of certificates during the deliberation of the final jury: takes the time.
 +{{ :​fr:​img_8475.jpg?​ 400 |}}
 +// Presence of mentors with groups //
 +{{ :​fr:​capture_d_e_cran_2019-05-06_a_11.18.34.png?​ 400 |}}
 +// Slack, indispensable tool for group management //
 +==== Creative process ====
 +  * Take back the Idea Wall to start the ideas.
 +  * Creative process of two hours to fix the idea: very rhythmic, with very simplified tools made by the School of design compared to Lugo and tested in particular at SPACE (September & [[fr: space-vd_fr|February 19]]), [[fr:​tatemarch2019|Tate]] (March 19) and challenge innovation in Corsica (March 19)
 +==== Jury ====
 +  * Decision better distribute jury times to give more returns (following the assessment of last year): 3 panels of 4 juries in parallel to take the time of returns. Decision to shorten the final presentation times and 6 presentations on the final panel.
 +  * Choice by the head of the group distribution mentors at the 1st jury (as there was a logic of 1/2 selected for the final, it was necessary to distribute the teams to ensure a homogeneity of the levels)
 +  * Decision to award prizes and hierarchy (entrepreneurial spirit): prices are in the spirit AYCH (support for project development),​ on the most impact, the most conducive to investment, a favorite audience (at the very end, applaudimeter) (good practice from Plymouth).
 +  * Decision to make mixed juries AYCH / GIJON (all the hubs, coordinated by the students of the School of Design)
 +=== Documents ===
 +  * Schemes of juries {{ :​fr:​urys.pdf | here}}
 +  * The scoring matrix to help you choose {{ :​fr:​aych_creative_jam_-_ scoring_matrix.pdf |}}
 +==== The presentations ====
 +Access to presentations {{ :​fr:​projects.zip | here}}
 +===== Balance sheet =====
 +  * Very positive: quality of presentations,​ perceived team dynamics
 +  * Timing respected thanks to the composition of the juries
 +==== Improvement points ====
 +=== Content ===
 +  * Mentor needs to be better briefed to also play on group dynamics
 +  * The brief at 12.00 (pitch + filmora): dispersion of the teams when there is a need for ideation, however the mentors managed to reunite them easily. Pitch training sequence in situ?
 +  * Template persona: to review, difficult to understand?
 +  * Better specify the question of the prototype: most wanted to develop "​apps"​ in prototype: this question will have to be specified. The team that used the resources (VR, 3D printer, cardboard pen) won everything. . Should we better present the resources available for prototypes (or better articulate the workshops?) ?
 +{{ :​fr:​img_20190405_144021.jpg?​200 |The egg}}
 +// the winning team worked to use all available resources (3D printing, VR) for the creative jam.//